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Dendrobium schroederiana. A phalananthe from Indonesia, original parent of the modern day phalaenanthe Dendrobium hybrids.
Best grown in a small pot in maximun sunlight with a definite rest during the dry winter months. |
Angraecum longicalcar. Madagascar, eburneum variety with much longer spurs. Fragrant.Typical basket/shallow pot with open media to drain well. | Angraecum eburneum var Frappier. A cultivar from Reunion, M. Frappier. Plants to about 30 cm across. dwarf form, same size flowers on a much reduced plant size. Fragrant. |
Bulbophyllum fletcherianum.Giant, leaf to 1.2 metres, grown in a shallow pot in a media that stays damp but not wet. | Bulbophyllum fletcherianum. Somewhat foetid smell,but not as bad as some suggest. Native to New Guinea |
Brassia brachiata. Typical Oncidium culture, well drained media and sunlight short of leaf burn.Central America | Brassia longissima. Central America |
Bulbophyllum longissimum FCC RHS. Basket culture, media should stay damp but not wet. Original clone from Sanders of England | Catasetum expansum Green. A deciduos genus, dry out in winter and repot into fresh rich media in Spring. |
Catasetum expansum Yellow | Catasetum expansum Red centre |
Typical Catasetum leafy bulb.Note aerial roots to collect leafmould | Catasetum integerinum. Mexico. |
Catasetum laminatum | Catasetum laminatum |
Catasetum macrocarpum | Catasetum pilatum Spotted greenwhite |
Catasetum pileatum Red | Cattleya gaskelliana. Grown in a basket in a media that drains well. Rest in winter |
Cattleya mosseae coerulea semialba | Cattleya chocoense semialba |
Chiloschista viridfavum. Essentially leafless, grown on a piece of cork | Cymbidium bicolor |
Cymbidium Dayanum | Dendrobium gouldii. New Guinea ceretobe denrobe, needs warmth and a rich well drained media |
Dendriobium helix "Pomio Brown" New Guinea | Dendrobium helix Yellow |
Dendrobium talasea | Dendrobium aphyllum 4N tetraploid. A deciduous species,dry out in winter and repot into a rich well drained media for Spring. Thailand |
Dendrobium bigibbum fma superbum striata. Cooktown orchid.Phalaenanthe | Dendrobium bigibbum fma superbum Bicolor |
Dendrobium bigibbum fma superbum alba | Dendrobium teretifolium. Pendulous pencil like leaves,this grows in the fork of a tree in a garden North Queensland |
Dendrobium gouldii | Dendrobium parishii. A deciduous species,dry out in winter and repot into a rich well drained media for Spring. Thailand |
Dendrobium primulinum. A deciduous species,dry out in winter and repot into a rich well drained media for Spring. India | Dendrobium foelochei.Australian, needs very good media drainage and maximum sunlight |
Dendrobium rhodopterygium semialba.A deciduous species,dry out in winter and repot into a rich well drained media for Spring. India | Dendrobium rhodopterygium semialba |
Dendrobium williamsianum. A Phalaenanthe Dendrobe from a New Guinea area that has a definite dry season. Must have good drainage. | Dendrobium amabile. Callista section along with Dendrobium farmerii etc. Rich media, well drained and rest after the new growth matures. |
Dendrobium Griffithianum. Callista section along with Dendrobium farmerii.etc Rich media, well drained and rest after the new growth matures. | .Dendrochilum pangasinanense.Philippines, use a fine well drained media that will stay damp but not wet. |
Dendrochilum convollarieforme.Philippines, use a fine well drained media that will stay damp but not wet. | Diplocaulobium Chrysotropsis. A New Guinea species that spreads out over a mount of treefern or similar |
Diplocaulobium Chrysotropsis | Diplocaulobium Kirschianum.A New Guinea species that spreads out over a mount of treefern or similar |
Dendrochilum Wenzellii.Philippines, use a fine well drained media that will stay damp but not wet. | Encyclia hanburyi. CentralAmerica. grown in a small basket, well drained media and maximum sunlight. |
Eidendrum porpax. Central America. Epidendrum peperomia. A dwarf speces that will spread out and fill a shallow pot in a fine media that will stay damp but not wet | Eulophia pulchra.Madagascar. A terrestrial, rich leafmould media is used, with a drier rest when the new growths have matured. |
Grammatophyllum measuresianum. Large grower, in a basket with a rich well drained media Philippines. | Grammatophyllum elegans.Large grower, in a basket with a rich well drained media Philippines. |
Habenaria myriotricha.(Habenaria medusae)Terrestrial from Thailand, needs a rich leafmould soil mix and a dry rest in winter when the foliage falls. Repot in Spring. | Habenaria myriotricha |
Habenaria propinqueum.Australian Terrestrial, needs a rich leafmould soil mix and a dry rest in winter when the foliage falls. Repot in Spring. | .Habenaria elongata.Australian Terrestrial, needs a rich leafmould soil mix and a dry rest in winter when the foliage falls. Repot in Spring. |
Laelia purpurata RoxoVioleta.Grown in a basket in a media that drains well. Rest in winter | Lockhartia lunifer. grown on a pice of treefern or in a very small basket pot. Fine media should stay damp but not wet. Brazil |
Neofinetia falcata "Yellow Treasure".Japan. Minature,small pot or basket in a well drained open media.Fragrant | Neofinetia falcata |
Oeoniella polystachys.Madagascar Minature,small pot or basket in a well drained open media.Fragrant | Oncidium spacelatum "Brian Blackley's symetrica". A rampant grower, large basket with a well drained media and lots of sunlight. A very symetrical long branched flower spike. |
Paphiopedilum esquerolei. every gower has a different Paph culture.Thailand | Paphiopedilum roebellinii, Philippines. A large robus grower, but dont overpot. |
Phalaenopsis formosana. The tetraploid 4N form of Phalaenopsis aphrodite from Taiwan. Basket, open well drained media. | Phalaenopsis tetraspis alba. Andaman Islands. A small growing species that must have a small pot or basket with a somewhat finer media that will stay damp but not wet. |
Phalaenopsis amabilis grandiflora.The original parent of the modern day hybrids from the Philippines .Basket, open well drained media. | Spathoglottis vanoverburghii.Taiwan.Deciduous terrestrial, repot in Spring with a rich well drained medai but keep the pot on the small side. |
Spathoglottis Kimballiana.Philippines form, possible a tetraploid, more or less evergreen with flowers to 8 cm.A rich well drained media in a small pot. Probably would benefit from a repot each Spring. Loves fertiliser | Spathoglottis plicata "Rhodobracteosum". An extremely vivid coloured form, evergreen.A rich well drained media in a small pot. Probably would benefit from a repot each Spring. Loves fertiliser |
Dendeobium helix. Typical ceretobe, lots of light and water in growth inwell drained media. New Guinea | Dendrobium polyanthum. Softcane species much like primulinum.Deciduous dry rest. |
Dendrobium sylvanum. New Guinea ceretobe | Dendrobium tangerinum. New Guinea ceretobe. |
Cattleya gaskelliana Alba | Catasetum tenebrosum |
Catasetum cernuum . note pair of triggers | Catasetum cernuum |
click on Red Cedar Blanket/Bedroom Chest | click on Satin Silkwood Desk |
Satin Silkwood & Red Cedar Lectern/scrap book display | Red cedar & Satin Silkwwod dining table & chairs |
click on Red Cedar & Satin Silkwwod blanket/bedroom chest | click on Red Cedar Blanket/Bedroom Chest |
Aerides falcatum | Dendrobium Schullerii |
Aerides falcatum X Rhyncostylis retusa | Dendrobium Talasea "Mushroom Pink" |
Dendrobium "Banks Island white" form of Dend lineale |
Neofinetia falcata "Yellow Treasure" lineale |
Dendrobium helix "Chrome Yellow" |
Paph Lowii x praestans |
Paph St Swithens |
Paph Rothschild |
Paph Wardii |
Paph glaucophyllum |
Phalaenopsis aphrodite |
Phal aphrodite |
Paph praestans |
Phal rosea peloric
Phal philippinense |
Aerides falcatum X Rhyncostylis retusa
Dendrobium schroederiana ( Dendrobium phalaenopsis var schroederiana)
Angraecum longicalcar (eburneum var longicalcar)
Angraecum eburneum var Frappier ( compact dwarf form)
Bulbophyllum fletcherianum
Brassia brachiata
Brassia longissima
Bulbophyllum longissimum
Catasetum cernuum
Catasetum expansum
Catasetum integerinum
Catasetum laminatum
Catasetum macrocarpum
Catasetum pileatum
Catasetum tenebrosum
Cattleya gaskelliana
Cattleya gaskelliana Alba
Cattleya mosseae semialba
Cattleya chocoense semialba
Chiloschista viridflava
Cymbidium bicolor
Cymbidium Dayanum
Dendrobium Banks Island White- Dendrobium lineale
Dendrobium gouldii
Dendrobium helix
Dendrobium helix "Pomio Brown"
Dendrobium helix "Chrome Yellow"
Dendrobium helix Yellow
Dendrobium talasea
Dendrobium aphyllum 4N tetraploid
Dendrobium bigibbum fma superbum
Dendrobium teretifolium
Dendrobium gouldii
Dendrobium parishii
Dendrobium polyanthum
Dendrobium primulinum
Dendrobium foelochii
Dendrobium rhodopterygium semialba
Dendrobium schullerii
Dendrobium williamsianum
Dendrobium amabile
Dendrobium Griffithianum
Dendrobium sylvanum
Dendrobium Talasea Mushroom Pink
Dendrobium tangerinum
Dendrochilum pangasinanense
Dendrochilum convollarieforme
Dendrochilum wenzellii
Diplocaulobium chrysotropsis
Diplocaulobium Kirshianum
Encyclia hanburyi
Epidendrum porpax
Eulophia pulchra
Grammatophyllum measuresianum
Grammatophyllum elegans
Habenaria myriotricha
Habenaris propinque
Habenaria elongata
Laelia purpurata Roxo Voleta
Lockhartia lunifera
Neofinetia falcata Yellow treasure
Neofinetia falcata
Oeoniella polystachys
Oncidium spacelatum
Paphiopedilum esquerolei
Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum
Paphiopedilum praestans
Paphiopedilum roebellinii
Paphiopedilum St Swithens
Paph Wardii
Phalaenopsis aphrodite
Phalaenopsis formosana
Phalaenopsis grandiflora
Spathoglottis vanoverburghii
Spathoglottis Kimballiana
Spathoglottis plicate Bulbosa Pink
Spathoglottis plicata "Rhodobracteosum"