CLASS 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 5, 6. 1953 -1957.+ Choir 1957
Class VA, V1A 1957- 1958
Pimlico State High photos G11 & G12 1962/63
Pimlico State High photo 1963 Operetta "Iolanthe"
Class reunions Photos 2016 to 2021
Next Reunion ?
Student Contacts Mundingburra
Staff 1959 & Principals 1948/60 Mundingburra Updated 07/05/2021
Pimlico Staff 1962 1963
Burleigh Park Home Local Friends (local wildlife) FACE BOOK
Below notes and memories below from the Mundingburra kids.
Ian #Note 1 Ian Note 2 Ian Note 3 Cathryn Note 4 Cathryn Note 5 Cathryn Note 6 Catheryn Note 7 Ian Note 8 Cathryn Note 9 Ian Note 10 Ian Note 11 Ian Note 12 Lydia Note 13 Cathryn Note 14 Cathryn Note 15
Grade 1A 1954
Dear Ian, this photo is, I think, taken later than 1952 as I see my brother Richard Brasnett in the back row, fourth from the left. As he is two years younger than me and the slate doesn't mention a year, I would presume, if it is indeed his class, that this photo would have been taken about 1954 and is of students two years younger. I think Colin Chelingsworth may be fourth from the right back row but I may be mistaken. from Cathryn Brasnett 19.7.17 ( Denise Lube's sister Karen 2nd back row, no 7 )
From Carole Bishop: 2nd front row #9 girl (far right) is Cathryn/Cheryl? Rossiter. Also the boy holding the slate in the front row is Wayne Wilson (Bryan Wilson's younger brother).
Back Row L to R #1 (...2...?) (...3...?) (.# 4 Richard Brasnett ) 5 Kevin Webb 6 Vernon Davies (...7...?) (8 Colin Chellingsworth ) #9 Barry Lolo #10 Stanley Yates? #11? #12Wally Pardon/check shirt(RIP),
2nd Back (..1....?) 2 Lee Baxter (Janice Trotter) #4 ? (.#5? ) (..6....?) (..7.Karen Lube.) (..8....?) (..9....?)
2nd Front (..1...?) (#2 ?) (.#3?) (.#4 ?) (#5....?) (#.6. ..?) (#7Margaret Rossiter?) #8 (#9Cathryn/Cheryl? Rossiter)
Front (..#.1..?) #2 Bill Hennessy (#3 Wayne Wilson) #4 Brian Wright (#5 ?)
Grade 2A 1953
Back Row L to R #1 Des Davies (...2...?) (...3...?) (....4..?) #5 Roy Izzard (...6...?) (...6...?) (8 Ian Walters?) #9Brian Hocking?
2nd Back (..1....?) (.#2 Watson..?) (..3....?) #4 Fred Lewis? (.#5Kay Donald? ) (..6....?) (..7....?) (..8....?) (..9....?)
2nd Front (..1...?) (#2 Lyn Talbot?Margaret Herring?) (.#3Lyn Talbot?) (.#4 ?) (#5.Kay Anderson...?) (#.6.Edith Smith..?) #7 ??? #8 Elaine Olsen
Front (..#.1..?) #2 Denise Lube (#3 ?) #4 Ivy Jang (#5 Marilyn.?) (#6 Cheryl Neilsen/Kay Fields?) (Gwen Webb.?.) (..8.Lyn Talbot.Janice Izzard??) (...9..?) Apologies for damaged photo, needs replacement
Grade 2 B 1953
Back Row. Bruce Strange Jimmy Ashcroft Jim Nickandros . Ken Bullen Paul Matheson Bill Bruce, John Harris, Brian Wilson Albert Sampson Lesley Giddy
2nd Back Tommy Squires Tim Doyle Ron Saunders Ron Barton Vic Stremuchiw. Greg Wordsworth Peter Cod (.............?)
2nd Front. Gail Price Robyn Price . Audrey Townsend Cathryn Brasnett, Wilma Fuller.? Raisa Stremouchiw (...?..7...?) Robin Maxwell Lydia Hennessy
Front. Carol Wright Lyn Stanley Gwen Webb (...4...?) Deana Williams (.....6......?) Kerry Williams
GRADE 111A 1954
Back Row Ray Kennedy Alan Chellingsworth Barry Voss Donald Campbell David Lowrey Roy Izzard Billy(Albert) Sampson Maurie Williams Glen Mason Peter Voss
2nd Back (............)? Ian Walters Bruce Strange Peter Sanders David Chandler Johnny Jensen? Brian Wilson Colin Payne? Graham Berry
Jack Burger
2nd Front Janice Stewart Kay Fields Elaine Olsen Kaye Donald Edith Sutherland Margaret Herring Margaret Weeks
Diane Barr Josephine Leota (..........?)
Front row Lyn Mazlin Gladwin Shephard (.........?.......) Cheryl Neilsen Jill Bennett Jillian Hamilton Lyn Talbot Janice Izzard
Patricia Laidlow Diane Winterburn
Grade 111 B 1954
Back Row (Peter
Cod Rodney/Raymond Casey?) Ron Saunders Greg Wordsworth Ron Barton Paul Matheson
Bill Bruce Jimmy Ashcroft Albert Sampson John Harris (Barney Edwards?..)
2ndBack Tim Doyle Lesley Giddy Bruce Strange (.4
Kenny..?...) Jim Nicandros Rob Burrows Vic Stremouchiw Tim Brooks
(.9......?...).. Tommy Squires
2nd Front Gail Price Cathryn Brasnett
(..3...?.......) (.4.Wilma Fuller.?...) Raisa Stromouchiw Kerry Williams Robyn Maxwell
Carol Wright Deanna Williams
Front row Gwen Webb (..2...?....... ) Lyn Stanley
Lydia Hennessy (....5..??...) Suzanne Ross Robyn Price
Back Row Brian Wilson Jill Bennet
(.......?.......) Edith Sutherland Kaye Donald Lyn Mazlin Jean Bennetto
Suzanne Whitman Alan Chellingsworth
2nd Back Malcolm Greerson (Ron Chappell?) David Lowrey Charle Kathagen
(........?......) Rob Burrows John Harris
2nd Front Jack Burger Denise Lube Lyn Stanley Lydia Hennessy Janice Izzard
Lyn Talbot Carol Wright Colin Payne
Front Bruce Strange Greg Wordsworth Bill Bruce
Graham Berry Ian Walters
Grade V 1956
Back Row Ken Bullen (.....?.........) Suzanne Whitman Elaine Olsen Edith Sutherland Josephine Leota Charles Kathagen (.......?.......) Kaye Donald Lyn Mazlin
Cathryn Brasnett. Janice Stewart Barney Edwards
2ndBack Noel Cocking Jillian Hamilton Diane Winterburn
Margaret Herring Colleen Saunders Cheryl Nielsen Jill Bennett Kay Fields
(......?........) Gladwyn Shephard ? Denise Lube (...........?..)
3rd Front (.......?.......) Brian Wilson Jimmy Ashcroft?
(.......?.......) J Roy Izzard Margaret Weeks David Lowrey Rob Burrows Nick Burrows
(.......?.......) Bill Bruce
2nd Front Colin Payne ? Tommy Squires? Bruce Strange
Jack Burger Lyn Talbot Carol Wright Gwen Webb Lydia Hennessy
(........?) Ray Kennedy Peter Voss Ian Walters Malcom Greerson
Front Row Greg Wordsworth Ron Barton? John Harris Vic Stromouchiw Barry Voss Graham Berry
Grade 6
Back Row Phil Clements Alan Chellingsworth (.......?.......)Cathryn Brasnett Lyn Mazlin Kaye Donald Josephine Leota Margaret Weeks Margaret Herring Nola Hansen Edith Sutherland Elaine Olsen (........?......) Josephine Bennetto? Ken Bullen John Harris Noel Cocking?
2ndBack Ron Barton? (....John Fagg.?...... )Jillian Hamilton Gwen Webb Lyn Talbot Janice Stewart Colleen Saunders? Charles Kathagen
(.......?.......) Jill Bennett Yvette Borreson Lydia Hennessy Kay Fields? Vic Stromouchi Bill Bruce
3rd Front Don Campbell Brian Wilson Jimmy Ashcroft Rob Burrows? David Lowrey Cheryl Nielsen
Nick Burrows? (Peter Martin.?)(......?........) Bill Bruce (......?........)
2nd Front Colin Payne Barry Voss Ray Kennedy Lyn Stanley Susan Ross Diane Winterburn Gladywn Shephard Denise Lube Tommy Squires Ian Walters Greg Wordsworth
Front Row Bruce Strange Peter Sanders? Graham Berry Kerry Stevens Peter Voss Malcom Greerson
Teachers Vi Catlin Mr Stevens
Mundingburra Choir 1957
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Back row Lyn Jennings Lyn Mazlin Thelma Giddy Margaret Weekes Margaret Herring
(.........)(.........)(...........) Ron Chappel Brian Wilson John Harris Noel Cocking Barry Voss
Middle row Cheryl Nielsen Jillian Hamilton
Margaret Williamson Cathryn Brasnett Janice Stewart Elaine Olsen
(.........?)Marilyn Erickson Jean Bennetto Marilyn Erickson
Lydia Hennessy
Gwen Edwards Yvette Borresen
Teacher Vi Catlin
Front Diane Winterburn Gwen Webb Denise Lube Lyn Talbot Susan Ross Lyn Stanley
Gladwyn Shepherd Kerry Stevens Peter Voss Malcom Greerson Phillip Clements
Please substitute @ for (at) to avoid spam.To join just email details to Ian Walters at address below. Other contacts and photographs requested and exchanged.
Email addresses, phone numbers and class photos for printing sent on
request. Errors and omissions. Please feel free to question and
advise any names. Photographs still looking for Grade 1 A &
B Grade 4B both A & B of Grades 7 and 8. Contributions
to Memories welcome, what do you remember about Mundingburra and
the school kids?
Ian Walters ianbpon(at)
Barney Edwards
Carol Wright
Cathryn Brasnett
Denise Lube
Diane Barr
Diane Winterburn
Gladwyn Shephard
Glenda Gilmore
Jillian Hamilton
John Harris
Kay Donald
Lydia Hennessy
Lyn Talbot
Margaret Herring
Norma Hay
Peter Voss
Russell Bowie
Yvette Borennsen
Back Row: Jack Highet, Kevin Cox, J.H.Sager, Jack Gibbard, Edward (Ted) Norris
Centre row Y.C.Thomas, P.A.Mathias, E.M.Pearse, S.James, J.M. Watchter, (****?) Miss Daveson
Front row: K.Sturges, Miss J.Hume, T.F.Flemimg (HT), Vi Cattlin, M. McGoven
LIST OF PRINCIPALS Mundinburra State School
CUNNINGHAM J.S. .......... 22.9.84 - 8.9.95
McDERMOTT P.J. .......... 9.9.95 - 7.10.96
GILL J. ............13.11.96 - 24.3.07
MUIR A. .................18.3.07 - 3.6.14
COLLINS WI.S. ................ 26.5.14 - 15.8.20
STEVENS W ................. 1.1.20 - 28.2.25
McCOMB WR. ................. 1.3.25 - 31.12.37
JONES M.1. ................. 1.1.38 - 4.8.38
STUBBINS V.E. ................. 22.8.38 - 31.1 2.48
BURTON W.A. ................. 1.1.49 - 30.8.56
JAMES C.T.B. ................. 1.7.54 - 31.8.56
STEVENS I.W ................. 1.9.56 - 4.7.58
FLEMING T.F. ................. 4.7.58 - 26.2.60
DEAN E.E. ................. 29.2.60 - 24.7.61
MARLAND J.A. ................. 24.7.61 - 23.4.72
MARIS E.M. ................. 23.4.72 - 29.6.79
DAVIS R.J. ................. 3.7.79 - 9.12.83
GRIFFIN M.J. ................. 23.1.84 -
From Denise
Grade 4A
Back row: BW, JB, (?) Edith S (?) LM Josephine Leotta Suzanne Whitman Allan C.
2nd back: Malcolm G Albert Sampson David L Charlie K (?) Nick B John H
3rd Back: Jack Burger Denise (?) Lydia H Janice Izzard Lyn T. (?) T. Squires
Front: Bruce Strange Greg Wordsworth Billy B Graham B Ian
More next time
from Ian
Hello Denise
Many thanks for the identities Grade 4A. Hope you dont mind my copy to the other kids. Might jog memories with a bit of luck.Burrows Nick or Rob?
4A No 6 next to John HarrisAccording to Rob, he was in 4A with Ted Norris as teacher, who he absolutely hated! so that Burrows is more likely to be Rob. Both are in photo G6, standing next to David Lowrey.The one next to David looks like Rob from G4A photo?
Your Albert Sampson 4A second back row No 2 next to Malcolm Greerson
does not match the Albert(Billy?) Sampson 3A backrow No 7 (next to Roy Izzard)I would not swear on a bible if I had one, but 3A Albert S does jog my memory.
I had good reason to remember him ( and his brother Ian?) as he would come to school without any lunch and scrounge from the waste food bin. I remember that vividly, counting myself fortunate. I think this may have been not uncommon, because the School started what you would call a "food bank" where pupils handed in unwanted food which was then given to pupils who did not have any.
There were many underprivileged kids at Mundingburra, I recall being very grateful that I was not one of them. Ian 1960 photo below.
My parents bought 2 acres at 110 Ross River Road, (photo below) the old
homestead "Burleigh Park", where my father established a market garden which
operated for most of my primary school days. I remember Mr. Stevens the head
master visiting and conferring with dad when the Vegetable Garden project was
set up for us in Grade 6. No doubt most will remember that Project?
After the market garden, he drove a truck, kept bees, sold honey and did not like working for anyone. He quit a job in the Railway Morgue ( records office) came home, told mother and organized us to plant half an acre of long beans. I remember picking and bundling long beans. Chockman's store at Rising Sun and Bogiatiz cafe in Flinders Street, the cafe name memory long gone, but someone may remember them! Garden of Roses!!
That lesson in get up and go probably accounted for my somewhat hyperactive life ever since. Later in life some one did explain to me that it was the Goya Principle. "Get Off Your Arse"
Park 110 Ross River Road 1953
But I digress.
Tommy Squires G 4A second row No 8
does not match with 3A second back No 1 next to Ian Walters
G 5 second front row No2
Tommy was a good mate of mine, especially as he had a beaut racing bike and let me ride it occasionally when we were off to a local water hole or river to fish and skinny dip.
I dont know who G 4A second row No 8 is, I thought it might be Colin Payne?
Greg Wordsworth I cannot place his face but do remember the name. I though his family moved south after Grade 3, I could not find any Wordsworths around Townsville, but there a a good number in the South East corner down Brisbane way.
I also cannot place Ron Barton ( G 5 photo second from left, front row??) apart from the name. His father had a motor mechanic workshop (and home?) roughly round about the corner of Charters Towers Road and Frairie Street. Lyn Talbot lived at No 1 the other end of Frairie Street, can you identify him Lyn?
The other names I recall but cannot identify. Does anyone remember them?
Graham Dare grade 5 a policemans son.
Ian? McIver grade 4/5
Paul Mathieson G2 or 3
Peter Healy G2 or 3
? McDougall
Carol Wright , Orma or Wilma? Fuller Grade 2 or 3?
Bruce Strange I should know but for the life of me I cannot remember his face. He was literally in my class all thru primary and was at Pimlico High.
Tragically Bruce was hit and killed by a car, his sister Christine died in a traffic accident in Denham Street and brother Owen,"Strange the Printer" choked to death.
And that brings me back to my original request for identity names and contact details for other pupils in our classes. I would compile any memories you might like to share. Ian
. Happy memoriesFrom Denise
Grade 4A
Back row: BW, JB, (?) Edith S (?) LM Josephine Leotta Suzanne Whitman Allan C.
2nd back: Malcolm G Albert Sampson David L Charlie K (?) Nick B John H
3rd Back: Jack Burger Denise (?) Lydia H Janice Izzard Lyn T. (?) T. Squires
Front: Bruce Strange Greg Wordsworth Billy B Graham B Ian
More next time Denise
From Ian
Hi kids, I attach an updated Grade3A name list ( Jillian Hamilton added another two,Bruce Strange next to Ian Walters, Kay Fuller next to Janice Izzard.)
#Top I have borrowed a 1984 Mundingburra reunion Booklet. Of interest is the photo and names of the Teachers 1958. That image is attached. It is a reduced file, but I do have the full scan to print photos for anyone who wants one.
All the kids feared Jack Highet, loved Jack Gibbard and some hated Ted Norris. I understand Miss Hume was not universally loved!! The lady teachers did not make a lasting impression on me.
Should be able to borrow the Book again for the next students meeting, so you can skim thru that and see if there is anything of interest.
The teacher missing from the photo is Ray Harris. our grade 7 teacher, killed in a motorrbike accident about 1961. He left teaching to take a public servant job with the Army, a friend of his informs me. Perhaps that is why he is not in the photo. He had a great rapport with the more unruly boys, including Victor Stromouchiw who you may remember. That's another story.
His brother Jeff was in 3B/4B with me at Pimlico. I met his uncle Peter who I think was a PMG Tech testing copper wire at the Copper PL ( where I worked for 26 years). He told a rather rude joke about the honour and offer of Prince Charles and Diana which I wont repeat here. Another Tech was Jack Stanley, father of Lyn, I wonder where they are? Jack had 7 children, and that is another story too.
I digress, Ray introduced us to CJ Dennis, Banjo Paterson and Henry Lawson. I did learn some of "The Play" by C J Dennis, forgotten it!!
"Wat's in a name" she sez...And then she sighs,
an' clasps 'er little 'and, an' rolls 'er eyes.
"A rose" she sez,"be any other name
Would smell the same
Oh wherefore art you Romeo, young sir?
Chuck yer ole pot, and change yer moniker."
Doreen an' me, we bin to see a show...
The swell two-dollar touch. Bong tong yer know
A chair apiece wiv velvit on the seat.
A slap up treat.
The dramer's writ be Shakespeare, years ago,
About a barmy goat called Romeo.
to cut a long story short, Juliet fakes her death, Romeo finds her apparently dead and kills himself.
Juliet wakes up
"Dear Love" she sez, "I cannot live alone"
An' wif a moan,
She grabs 'is pocket knife,'an ends 'er cares...
"Peanuts and lollies" sez a boy upstairs.
from Denise, identified G 4A
Back row: BW, JB, (?) Edith S (?) LM Josephine Leotta
Suzanne Whitman Allan C.
2nd back: Malcolm G Albert Sampson David L Charlie K (?) Nick B
John H
3rd Back: Jack Burger Denise (?) Lydia H Janice Izzard Lyn T. (?) T.
Front: Bruce Strange Greg Wordsworth Billy B Graham B Ian
More next time Denise
From Ian
I have identified pupils in other classes using G4A names.Grade 3A is complete ( ignoring a couple of my guesses) except for the girl, front row, no 3 from left.
Could this be Orma or Wilma? Fuller? ( Jillian's identity of the girl front row second from the right as Kay Fuller has confused me as I do not remember her name or face).
Or is she G3B 2nd front row 2nd from right or G5 2nd front row, No6 sitting next to Lyn Talbot?
I have always remember her name. Does anyone have any idea? She lived in Mango Avenue, a few houses down on the left.
Suzanne Whitman name has also cleared a memory block, which kept me thinking of a Jacquelyn. Not sure I can see her in the other classes.
I think she lived in Mabin Street. I remember the old Queenslander on stilts about half way along Mabin Street, with the bush and swamps stretched out behind. Cannot remember if she lived there in the old Queenslander. That old overflow now runs under the car dealerships and Bowen Road, cannot imagine what would happen if we got another 46 flood! (NB; we did, 2019, flooded Rosslea and a good part of Townsville.)Love Lane was where I think Graham Berry lived, or that may have been about the corner with Bowen Road, where Diane Barr lived. Donald Campbell head home that way too?.
Diane Winterburn lived the town end of Love Lane, the other end was Barry Ward ( a year behind us) and the Larsen family, although I cannot remember the children's names.
Off Love Lane was the Ross River Clay Banks, a popular swimming hole for us kids. I cannot remember who it was, but a young lady chided me about my swearing, ("Dont you know any other words?") which I then totally gave up, except perhaps in moments of extreme frustration. It seems I did know other words!! and underestimated the influence of a young lady even at that age!
China Street was the home of the Strange and Clements families.
Around the corner in Wood Street, Jillian Hamilton & family lived. I think Jill Bennet lived in that street too.
Colin Payne lived in the highset house next to the school for awhile. Then moved to Queens Road?
Behind us at 110 Ross River Road ( Burleigh Park) on the dirt track called Wellington Street, lived Carol DeCourcey, a year or two ahead of us? Ron Chappell lived there as well, a bit further out, until the family moved to Burdekin Street.
Next to us on RRR lived the Izzard family & Janice and Roy, with 5 kids.
And over the RRRoad, was Mango Avenue. It actually had mango trees at one time. The Fuller family lived on the left, the Tew family at the end, and on one of the side streets was the Horn family. They were all Mundingburra pupils, but not all in our class.
Off Mango Avenue was Brownhill Street, home to Victor and Anatol Stromouchiw, Neville Smith ( year after us?), Johny Jensen, who I recall fell down the steps and died from a fractured skull?. That may not be correct, my memory is a bit vague about that.
My memory of Carol Eckland is however correct, she was shot and killed by a boyfriend/exboyfiend. She was a Mundingburra and Pimlico student.
Across the street from her family home lived Hilda and Lister Arrowsmith, whom I knew very well as gem cutters and orchid growers. Their son Roger was a year or two ahead of us in school, was he School Captain too? I met Roger at a Ball a couple of years back, not surprising he did not remember me. Roger died not long ago.
Further along off Ross River Road, Catheryn Brasnett lived in Gulliver Street, the Ross River Road end, and Charlie Kathagen lived the other end, about where the Villa Vincent is now.
Remember Sammy Ah Chews store on RRR opposite Gulliver Street? ( Spelling may not be correct, we referred to the store as Chewies). Sammy was a market gardener, the various Chinese gardens extended from about Burdekin Street to near Gulliver Street along RRR. Sammy won 15 thousand pounds in the lottery and bought his shop.
I remember my father employing a couple of these gardeners at various times, there was Sammy No1 and Sammy No2, all Chinese were Sammys!!
During my Pimlico years, one of the Pimlico students used a magnifying glass to set off the fireworks in Sammys shop window. It caused some fireworks elsewhere as well! I am told by a reliable source that it cost Barry Faulkner's father 500 quid.
The Voss brother lived in Harding Avenue, off Gulliver Street, which is about opposite to where Cathryn Brasnett lived. We often walked home with Peter and Barry.
When we first moved to Burleigh Park, there were two cats left there. We got one each, mine was Tommy and the other was Timmy, and both Peter and Timmy had kittens!. Later we gave Peter and Barry Voss a kitten to take on the way home. There must have been some parental input, as the kitten was dropped back over the front fence the next mornimg. Peter Voss does not remember, but I assure you, "the cat came back".
Around the corner on R R Road was the Hennessy family, Lydia and Owen. Owen had a tree house in a huge raintree, I was amazed that he could get material that high up or climb that high. I couldn't and didn't.
Tommy Squires was in Collins Street, off Thompson Street, and at the end of Thompson Street the Pritchard family had a farm. David was a year behind us I think, or maybe two.
On the side street down from Tommy were the Ellacotts, Neal ( a year ahead?), Gordon ( a year behind) and Wendy, (2 years behind?). I photographed Gordon and Cathys wedding! Father Ian was a big impressive Scotsman, brogue and all.
Elaine Olsen lived in that area, Russel Street, although the Miles family also lived there and they were orchid growers whom I did know. Elaine at about 13 or 14 was also growing orchids, I wonder where and if she is still growing orchids?
Elaine and Peter in Grade 3 were childhood sweethearts, as was Margaret and David and Yvette and Barry. Happy memories.
The Borresen family lived on RRR, out a bit from Thompson Street, low block home with a big fence across the front, but you could still see the big trucks.
Down the Ross River Road a bit was the Jang farm, I think there were 7 kids, about where RACQ is now. Opposite was the Williams strawberry farm. Further out lived the Casey Family, Raymond or Brian, cousins, who left Mundingburra I assume to go to Aitkenvale.
And out on Charles Street was the Moncrief family, behind them a farm belonging to the Chellingsworth family. It abutted Blakeys paddock and also Bamfords Dairy. Blakey had a 15000 gallon water tank and windmill, it must have been nearly 8 feet deep, but not that high that us kids and Moncriefs and Chellingsworths could not skinny dip, with eyes over the edge of the tank on the lookout for Blakey.
Out past Dip Flat (the old wartime aircraft strip) and the Black weir, were the farms of the McLaughlin, Shephard, Rassmussen, Hammond families and others I did not know. McLaughlin ran a dairy from memory, and Gladwyn Shephard grew up near there.
We covered a lot of ground, on foot and on bike, but not particularly on Alan Chellingsworth's horse, which I did not take to at all, bareback. We swam and fished in all the river weirs.
In the other direction, Ron Barton and Lyn Talbot were in Frairie Street, David Lowrey on Fulham Road, with the Burrows brothers and Raymond Kennedy in the streets around there, which I suppose is Pimlico.
I knew a lot of the Mundingburra kids and our neighbourhood, more than I think my kids knew about theirs. I may have forgotten a little in the few years since we left school!
We did not ask permission or prearrange, often just turning up to see if they wanted to come out to play. Our playground extended from the Rising Sun picture theatre to the top Black weir on the river.
Thats my brain exercise for today. Any corrections, please. Regards to all. Ian
Current contact details
Denise Lube deniseseabright(at);
John Harris jnatravelling6(at)
Lydia Hennessy ruthmorton7(at)
Lyn Talbot robertjamescampbell(at)
Margaret Herring mherr11(at)
Jillian Hamilton jillyruhl(at)
Gladwyn Shephard glady46(at)
Diane Winterburn parker.force(at)
Yvette Borresen yskews(at)
Peter Voss peterrolandvoss(at)
Carol Wright carolskewes1946(at)
Barney Edwards barneyedwards(at)
Catheryn Brasnett kencath(at)
Diane Barr 47213848 Townsville
Kay Donald 47714813 Townsville
Lynn Donald lynnverzeletti(at)
Glenda Gilmore glendatattersall(at)
Russell Bowie russell.bowie(at)
Norma Hay 47792957
Note 4 14th Dec from Cathryn Brasnett #Top
Dear Ian, It was lovely to hear from you via my brother Richard (who lives in
Toowoomba, along with my brother Trevor. Our youngest brother Adrian lives in
Photo L to R Adrian,Cathryn,Trevor,Richard Brasnett
My parents retired to Toowoomba in the mid 1980s and died in 2007 and 2008.
My husband Ken and I have been visiting our daughter who lives in Scotland for the last couple of months and have just arrived back in Canberra where we live.
I have wondered often during the years what happened to our old primary school friends and where they are now, so it was so good to hear names I had forgotten which were refreshed by your message.
After Mundingburra, I spent three years at Townsville High in the city then the final year at St Anne's, before I commenced nursing at Townsville General Hospital. After completing the four years training I moved with my husband Ken Blakers to Canberra as he was a navigator in the RAAF. 37 years later and many moves (our average was 18 months) we settled back in Canberra in 1993. During that time I trained as a midwife at Nepean District Hospital in Penrith, NSW then worked in that and other nursing fields until I retired 8 years ago.
I have four photos from that time which I will forward to you but will mention some of the names that I can recall
Bruce Strange (deceased in MVA) Jim Nicandros (Deceased-drowned in Weir
Jimmy Ashcroft, Barry and Peter Voss (twins)
Robbie Burrows and his twin Nick, Kerry Stevens
Paul Matheson Malcolm Grierson
Bill Bruce Noel Cocking
John Harris Cheryl Neilson
Ron Chappell, Janice Stewart
Albert and Robert Sampson Jean Bennetto
? Giddy- (his sister Thelma older) Yvette Borreson
Tommy Squires, Lynette Mazlin
Tim Brooks ?Carol BennettRon ? Elaine ?Peter Sanders Margaret Weekes
Ron Barton, Gail Cook Victor Stramouchi (?) and his sisterGregory Wordsworth
Gail Price Audrey ? Robyn MaxwellCarol Wright
Lynne Stanley Gwen Webb,Deanna and Kerry Williams (Twins)
Suzanne RossI would be interested to hear updates about other classmates and would also be interested in attending a reunion if we are able in the future.
Thank you so much for the effort in contacting me and also my very best wishes to you and your family for a happy Christmas and New Year.
Sincerely Cathryn Blakers (nee Brasnett
from Ian 17/12
Hello Cathryn, Many thanks for your email and the photos which we did not have. I will forward them onto the others.Could you list from left to right the names that you remember in each photo please.
I did email the photos I have to Richard, but will do so again to you if you did not get them from Richard.
I think we have now found abut 15 students from the Mundingburra class, 12 local still plus 3 out of town.
Their email addresses can be sent too.
We had a small group meet here in November, I plan another in about April when the weather is cooler. Let me know if you did not received the photos and name sheets.
I will be in touch. We are still looking for other students if you know of any or have contacts.
Regards and best wishes Ian & Pat Walters17/12 from Ian
Hello Cathryn and greetings to all, This is the name sheet for Grade 2B & 3B. Please see if you can fill in any missing or incorrect names. Your photo Choir 1956 is same as Denise's Choir 1957 . Which is correct I wonder. We have the Grade 3B photo but am missing a number of the names. Feel free to disagree with names, its been awhile. Still looking for photos Grade 4B 7 & 8 A&BGrade 2 B 1953
Back Row . Bruce Strange( ...........?)(...........?)(...........?) Paul Matheson Bill Bruce, John Harris, Brian Wilson (..Clive?.........)(...........?)
2nd Back Tommy Squires (...........?)(...........?)Ron Barton Vic Stromouchiw. Greg Wordsworth Peter Cod (...........?)(...........?)
2nd Front. (...........?)(...........?)(...........?) Cathryn Brasnett,(...........?)Raisa Stroumouchiw (Gail Price?)(...........?) Lydia Hennessy
Front row.Carol Wright Lyn Stanley Gwen Webb Cheryl Nielsen? (...........?)(...........?)
Grade 111 B 1954
Back Row Peter Cod? (..............? ) Greg Wordsworth Ron Barton Paul Matheson Bill Bruce Brian Casey? (Clive?......... ) John Harris (......?........)
2ndBack (.........?....) (......?....... ) Bruce Strange (.....?........ ) Nick Andros Raymond Casey? Vic Stromouchi (.....?.......) (........?...).. Tommy Squires
2nd Front Gail Price Cathryn Brasnett (......?.......) (........?.....) Raisa Stromouchi (.....?..........) (......?.......) (....?.........) (.....?.......) Carol Wright (Suzanne Whitman.?)
Front row Gwen Webb (......?....... ) Lyn Stanley Lydia Hennessy (......??...) Susan Ross? Colleen Saunders?
Ian & Pat Walters
#Top 18/12 from Cathryn
Dear Ian, thank you for you email. Unfortunately Richard, my brother is a little computer illiterate and deleted the photos from his computer so I would be very grateful for any photos you have and the information you sent him please.I have put my thinking cap on and have come up with names and some memories of Mundingburra State School years. I do hope my memories of people and names are correct but it is amazing how one recalls events and people when one actually sits down and thinks seriously about the people involved in our lives. I do hope this helps and I would be interested in participating in any reunion if available.
My husband, Ken and I are taking our caravan through Western
Queensland to the Kimberley in late April and returning down the centre of
Australia in June so apart from that I may be able to get to Townsville to catch
up. Looking forward to hearing from you and viewing more photos. Hopefully my
attachment had downloaded successfully- please let me know if it was
unsuccessful. Best wishes to you and yours for a very happy Christmas and for
good health and much happiness in the New Year, Cathryn
19/12 from Ian
Hello Cathryn, Attached are the photos and current names sheet. I have updated the G 2B & 3B. and ChoirChoir Photo. boy on left of John Harris is Brian Wilson. He is till in Townsville, but there are about 20 B Wilson in the phone book. He is also on the right of John Harris in 2B
Choir front row first is Diane Winterburn, who is still here but does not answer emails. Glenda Gilmore ( G 7 & 8 knows her well)
Barney Edward tells me he was not at MBurra before grade 4, he remembers Ted Norris but not with affection!. He is in the same dance group as Pat and I. I will leave his name there for now.
I knew I had Victors last named incorrectly spelt. I did find him ( and Anatol, Townsville) on the Atherton Tablelands years ago when I first started this search. I got his name confused then could not find it again.
A lot of the names I dont remember, Denise was much better at that. I do remember a Clive in G 2 or 3, a very pretty boy who kissed the girls before ( or maybe after) school at the back gate. Denise did tell me his last name, but I forgot it and when I asked her again, she did not remember. I must ask again. ( Gilshannon??)
Attached is the file Memories, this is to and fro from Denise and I sorting out names.
See if you can fill in any missing names or make corrections. No hurry. I have also asked everyone if they remember a girl Fuller, first name Orma ( but perhaps Wilma according to Denise). Name ring a bell? Grade 2 or 3.
Kind regards. If the Works WPS files wont open, I will resend them, Open Office maybe.
Ian & Pat Walters#Top 19/12 from Cathryn Dear Ian, you certainly know how to get the brain cells ticking. I was dismayed that my memory was so bad - recalling the names of some of the students until I realized that in two photos I wasn't present because I was in a different class, but with some prompting from your recalls and from your website, upon which I stumbled, names came flooding back.
I did make an error in my memories- Graham Bourke's youngest son's name is David- not Ian. There are probably a thousand more errors but I will correct them as I become aware of them. Different Christian names are becoming apparent as are surnames, but I can thank you in that you have spared me from an afternoon of writing Christmas cards which is the most arduous job of the year, however the chore still awaits.
I keep meaning to give you my phone numbers and address- which eludes me each time I reply in the excitement of sharing memories. My address is 12 Les Edwards Street, Forde, ACT 2914 and phone numbers Home 02 61241 8110 and Mobile 0412177419. My email address is cathken(at)
I haven't been able to download the documents you forwarded yet but will try again before contacting you in desperation.
Thanking you, Denise and Lydia for the research you have undertaken to date. Cathryn Blakers
Ian 20/12 Hello
Cathryn, Relax, your memory is more than OK. It has taken about 4/5 of us ex
pupils to come up with the names we now have. Some will probably be incorrect.
If you have corrections, please detail as say Photo G3A front row no 3 identity.
It is easier than trawling thru all the names looking for corrections. There is
no hurry.
I would like to forward your emails to the other pupils if that is OK with you. It keeps them up to date and may kindle a bit more interest.
I will convert the wps files to some other format. I still use Windows Works, which is well out of date.
Had forgotten the webpage, it was a trial and perhaps I need to consult other pupils in case someone does not like the idea. How would you feel about your Memories of Mundingburra on the page? Its a project in progress. I must update the names on that page.
Did you receive the photo of the Nov 16 group, Glenda, Kay Donald Denise and Lydia?
Kind regards. Happy memories. From the Owl Folks Home
Ian & Pat Walters
20/12 from Cathryn Note 7
#TopDear Ian, love the owls, we have families of sparrows in our trees- which are
quite messy but the family of blue wrens in our back garden is always welcome.
I am quite happy for you to share my emails and contact details.
Growing up, Lydia and I lived around the corner, (she lived on Ross River Road and Bartlett Avenue) and I lived in Gulliver Street and later Wentworth Avenue and we used to play after school.
The Stanleys lived not far away in Wellington Street so we were always riding our bikes between the two residences plus Lynne and I were in Brownies and Guides together, along with her sisters.
Bikes, I now realise, gave us an enormous amount of freedom, as we were able to ride all over Townsville- even one trip to the Black River in Guides when my pedal kept falling off and I had to ride with one pedal and the shank of the other all the way home. Gail Cook and I, at THS, practised for weeks until we could ride up to the top of the Cutting in Stanley Street beside the school until we could get to the top in one go.
We would then career down to Flinders Street dodging cars, one time I recall with my chain off ( the bike had a back pedal brake system) and I had to stop, using my shoe leather on the bitumen as brakes to halt my rapid progress.
I do remember Denise well- she was going to study
medicine- did she?
I haven't been able to download your data files so would appreciate if you can
resend in another format please. As for the identity of the girl 3, Grade 3
photo- it remains a mystery but does Ian Ball sound familiar as the boy who had
the stone fish/ stingray barb sting?-I think he joined the class either in Miss
Hume's class or Miss Sturges's class.
Thank you for the photo of the last reunion, Kay
Donald and I were best friends and I recall going with her to the Baptist Camp
at Nellie Bay and returning with a severe tummy bug which put me out of school
for two weeks, that was in the time the doctors did home visits and I remember
Dr O'Connor ( in the practice with Dr King and Dr McLoughlin on Charters Towers
Road) visiting our home several times.
I nursed with her cousin Lyn now Verzeletti, with who I
keep in loose contact. I seem to remember that Lydia married Bob Morton who was
in my class at Townsville High School- am I correct?
It is interesting that we know another Pat Walters
whose husband was on an specialist navigation course with my husband Ken in
Lincolnshire in the UK in 1973.
Well back to the Christmas cards
Best wishes and we hope you avoid any cyclones Cathryn
Ian 20/12 Hello
Cathryn, I attach the files in another format. From your notes; could
Ken be Ken Bullen? there was a pupil there in a later grade.
I do remember the Doctors, Dr King
was a family friend/Doctor, my mother was
a nurse so that might explain the link. You query about Denise and Lydia I
can leave for them to respond.
Jack Stanley had 7 kids ( from
memory) He was a PMG Tec who came to the
Copper Refineries Lab to test wire, which is where I met him. Someone asked
him how come he had so many kids. His reply was that they lived near a five
o'clock train whistle stop, "to early to get up and too late to go back to
I remember the Catholic school well. The kids
baited the over the fencers
"Catholics catholics, sitting on a log, eating the guts out of a frog"
Kay Field's mother, Mrs Fraser was she also Miss Janz? my grade 3A
I have a name Nick Andros, should that be Jim Nickandros. ? I think
Denise and/or Lydia identified him, he was the one that drowned in RR,
although I do not recall him.
Kay Donald cousin Lyn, I think she was in my
grade 11 at Pimlico, a
lovely girl whose family I photographed later when I was doing the CRPL
photography. Moonlighting. I think it was her, she reminded me of Kay,
tall. I can give you Kays phone number ( its somewhere in the address file),
she is not on the net. Neither is Diane Barr whose phone number I also have
and to whom I have just sent all the photos. She may come up with some
Happy memories, have fun wading thru all the files. Regards to all
Ian & Pat Walters
Kay Donald Kay M'burra Donald Unit 5, 18 Mary Street
West End Qld 4810 47213848
Diane Barr Diane M'burra Barr 330 Stanley Street
North Ward Townsville Qld 47714813
20/12 from Cathryn
Ian, the more we exchange memories the more floods back- it is saving me from
dementia by the minute!!!!!
1. Mrs Frazer was different from Mrs Jantzen and taught at West End,
Domestic Science
2. Mr Norris rode a bike and lived at the Criterion Hotel as did Mr
Sanger who drove ? A Vanguard. Going into Mr Norris's class did bring fear and
he was free with his thumps on the back to girls and boys alike and corporal
3. Mr Highet was an excellent teacher, though quite formidable, who had
been in the Army during the War. His daughter Greta nursed at TGH with me in a
later group. Mr Highet also had a disabled son(? Downs), so I think life may
have been quite tough for him.
4. Do you remember the Chinese Market Garden on Ross River Road across
from Mango Avenue, the property later bought by Eleanor Chun Tie's family?. My
brother Richard and I were often sent by Mum to purchase vegetables from the
Chinese Market gardener who sat by a galvanised iron hut at the back wearing a
coolie hat. He tied the shallots with string and he had flooded paddy fields.
We were always terrified and walked with trepidation, down the centre
of the garden then after being served, turned tail and ran for our lives.
5.The other Market garden was further out along Ross River Road and sold
strawberries. I remember Mum giving us 10/- ( a massive amount) to buy some
strawberries for one of our birthdays.
6. The creek at the Fulham Road end of Gulliver Street, was where
Mum used to deposit the green skin frogs which gathered under the rim of our
septic toilet, their legs hanging down for us to see. When we refused to go to
the loo until they were removed, she collected them in a bucket and took them
down in the car after she had got her licence.
She achieved this with the four children in the car and Dad
instructing, driving up and down the old war time airfields at Mt Louisa and
learning to back by reversing into the big concrete loading bays left over from
the American occupation. We even accompanied her to the Police Station in town
and waited on the footpath when she went up the cutting for her driving test
with the policeman.
7. I do remember Sammy Chew's shop very well as well as
Leong's just up from Woods Street on Ross River Road, with the Post Office next
door. Later there was another Leongs at the Rising Sun.
8. Euydrice McDowell who lived next door to the Vosses in Harding
Avenue owned a horse and she let me ride home one day until a bulldozer came by,
the horse shied on its' side near Mango Avenue, whereupon I leapt off the horse,
grabbed my bag from Euydrice's hand (she was leading the horse) and I fled for
my life and realised that riding a horse was not on my bucket list.
She married Graham Morrison who lived over the road from us- they were both senior to us. Alan Chellingworth's brother Colin, who was in my brother Richard's class, tried to sell him a wild looking horse called Santo Domenico for 5 pounds.
The horse reversed into my father's Austin A40 which was parked
on our footpath and with its eyes rolling, showing only the whites of its eyes,
and this was the indicator to my mother, whose mother was an excellent
horsewoman (having grown up on cattle properties north of Normanton), that Santo
Domenico had no place in our lives. My father never recovered from the shock!!!
9. One memory was when then Head Teacher came to our class
room and asked me to dink Ian Donald (who was in my brother Trevor's class) home
to his home on Ross River Road in the middle of the day as he was ill, on my
Nearing his home his foot got caught in the spokes on the back
wheel of my bike- I still feel remorse, even though this would be unheard of
these days to commission a young child of 10 to take another home.
10. You talk about the Garden of Roses cafe, I remember my
parents (well mainly my mother, who killed all our chooks when they finished
laying, cleaning them and dressing them) selling them to the Blue Bird Cafe in
Flinders Street.
The other cafe I remember was the Ozone cafe on the
Strand. The other was the Golden Gate cafe next to the West End School with the
best pies and pasties- unmatched by anyone since.
11. Greg Wordsworth's father was a real estate agent, I
think, and I often wonder whether the reporter, Matt Wordsworth who often
reports from PNG, is any relation to the family.
12. The other thing you mention were the number of
disadvantaged families at the school. While none of us was wealthy, we were
aware that some families did it very hard. Looking back, the war had not long
finished and there were some families whose fathers had died or suffered very
poor health as a remnant from the war years as well as the migrant families who
were starting afresh in a new land.
My father and some of the other fathers were involved
in Legacy among other volunteer organisations.
Well Ian, as more thoughts come to hand, I will put fingers to keyboard but
thank you for the documents which have downloaded successfully. Best wishes to
you and Pat, Cathryn
21/12/16 from Ian Hello
Cathryn, pleased to hear I am remedying the dementia. Take two asprin and repeat
the exercise when you feel the need. My fee is in the post.
Mr Norris; the kids used to hide over the
bank just past the catholic
school , and Oi Oi Ted as he rode past. The poor old chap was helpless. I
rather liked Ted, I was his pet pupil. I had been given an illustrated book
of Australia History, which I devoured, and just loved to show off in his
Social Studies lessons.
Mrs Jantzen was much loved by us kids.
I had Jack Gibbard for G 7 and 8. All the kids loved Jack.
Mr Highet was much feared and respected, and thats another story in my
His daughter Greta I am told is now in a Nursing Home. After Grade 12, a fellow school mate by the name of Kerry Davis ( 18/19) took a shine to Greta and turned up at her home. She was out, but Jack was home, and Kerry got the third degree.
Do you have a car? do you have a job? do you have any money? can you keep my daughter in the manner to which she is accustomed?
Kerry was looking for a girl friend, not a wife!! He had neither a job, car
or money or any serious intentions.
I certainly remember the Chinese market gardens. In 1952 my
bought Burleigh Park, 2 acres at 110 RR Road. He plowed up the front 2
acres and started a market garden, with some assistance from the Chinese
gardeners. ( I have a photo of the homestead and work in progress clearing
somewhere if of interest).
The string for bundling summer lettuce and shallots? My
brother and I
did a lot of teasing out hession bags and bundling the strings. Everything done
sufficient where possible.
And the paddy fields were actually water ponds, the gardener
had a pole
across his shoulders, with a bucket on each end. He would walk into the
pond, lower his buckets and go water the gardens. I suspect the pond also
contained natural fertiliser !
We found the Chinese gardeners very
respectful, especially towards the kids and ladies.
I have a vague memory that the Williams family operated
the strawberry
farm, across the road from the Jang farm, that farm near to where RACQ
stands now on RR Road.
You will remember the Jang pupils, Peter, Danny and
I cannot think of the girls name who I think was in the same age group as
us. Denise and Lydia know her. Peter died a few years back.
The creek at the end of Gulliver Street is actual the old
river bed, it
extends right along Fulham Road, to the back of Mundingburra School, across
Balls Lane and becomes Mindham Park and goes a long way along Charters
Towers Road. Charlie Kathagen lived that end of Gulliver Street, there was a
guava tree near the bridge which got inspected whenever I was in the area.
My limited riding experience was cantering on Allan
Chellingsworth horse,
probably he same animal. Cantering bare back was OK, but the trotting made
it a bit hard to stay aboard. Still, it convinced me that I really had no
interest in horses.
Colin ( youngest son?) and Melody Stevens were childhood
sweethearts, her brother is Gilbert Fletcher if you remember those names. ( I
worked for her mother at one time, she was a plant person and I used to collect
the old
beer cans from around the igloo runways, a penny each, to buy orchids.)
Mat Wordsworth is Gregs much younger brother, Lydia informed
Must go, last dance night for the year. Will write again. Regards to all,
read Cathryns email above Ian & Pat
Note 11 #Top From Ian to all. "The Back Track & the Freedom Machine"
"The Back Track' that's from the back gate of the school, over the wooden bridge and the smelly swamp and onto the corner of Balls Lane, Kings Road and Fulham Road. It also went off towards the Bowling Club, and the end of Wellington Street.
The same swamp smell always reminds me of that Mundingburra swamp bridge and Townsend Street ( a far end of the same swamp, Mindham Park) , where I first saw a huge green frog and was conned into trying a birds eye chilli. Live and learn.
A lot of the kids went home that way, over the bridge, and some of us would ride bikes along the high guinea grass lined tracks, risking life and limb toourselves and any others on the tracks. It was wild territory.
I remember the pump house near the bridge, one afternoon there was a boy lying on the roof, looking dishevelled, and our young minds worked overtime, maybe it was murder!. We went and roused a local housewife, who came along to see what the problem was. Just a stupid kid being where he should not have been.
Ray Kennedy, the Burrows boys, David Lowrey and Janice Stewart ? went home that way.
The other direction took us to Wellington Street. Our yard, 2 acres, stretched from 110 RR Road to Wellington Street. The same swamp was also there at the corner of Wellington Street and the later DeCourcey Street, which became the boundary of our yard.
We were warned to stay out of the swamp because of crocodiles, and Dad would actually go down there with his shotgun. We quickly learned it was dangerous black ducks he was after, so the swamp was less frightening, especially when it shallowed and we could catch and corral the ells in muddy pens.
Over the road was Fred Lamberts chook farm, DeCourcey's home and orange orchard and 3 Bowen mango trees. Its all gone now, maybe the mango trees are still there. Fred grew banana trees as well, although we never found any near ripe fruit.
The oranges were fair game when no one was home, and the mangoes tended to be half ripe, much better if keep for a couple of days to ripen.
When we first arrived at 110 RR Road, the big paddock along Wellington Street (now Anderson Park Botanical Gardens) was a cane field. I can give you a detailed method of making the tough cane sweetly chewable, the soft tops were the best.
The cane did not seem to be there long, it was replaced with a field of watermelons, much to our delight.
I can remember Mother finding us under the rain tree next door at the back of Hegatys property, with a huge melon. .
We certainly got a scare, expected stern warnings and the threat of the razor strap when Dad was told, but nothing eventuated, so it was probably "boys will be boys, don't do it again" and left at that.
Learnt our lesson, found a better hiding place for melon feasting.
The melons and cane are long gone, we seemingly slowly grew up and interests further afield beckoned.
Ross River with black and silver scats and silver mondactyls (aquarium fish) in the little side creek near the meat works, to Aplins Weir, catfish under the rocks after the weir overflowed and Geesons Weir, for garfish catching themselves on set lines while we swam and explored underwater.
Garfish were cooked in an old frying pan, the mud wrap method never seemed to work.
Mount Louisa was a favourite haunt, Allan Chellingsworth lived near there, and knew the track up the ridge to the top. There was a little creek and a swimming hole at the base, and bitumen roads everywhere to the old Airforce igloos, good bike tracks in the bush.
Aplins Weir was a great playground, I remember swimming across the river there, getting half way and thinking maybe it's further than I thought. Fortunately Gilbert Fletcher came along on a paddle board. I sat on the front trying to maintain a little modesty, thanking him for the lift.
I walked back to the bikes, along the bank and over the weir wall.
Our Bikes, like yours, were our freedom machines, we went everywhere on them, from Town Centre to Harveys Range, Mount Stuart and out to Many Peaks Range at Pallarenda. Dont have a bike now. Ian
8th Feb 2017 From Denise
Hi IanI did want to nitpick about your back track memories though. Janice Stewart lived a few blocks from me on Halloran St and I usually walked home with her and others, leaving by the front.
Also David lived in Norris St for most of the MSS era,
moved to Fulham Rd later. No idea when they moved, David is long dead, so hard
to check.
Hope your owls are well. A friend in Cranbrook has a boobook
that has moved from her trees to under her house, fortunately it decided it
didn't like sleeping on the car so has moved to other spots under there. Guess
it's solid shade with a bit of a cool breeze.
After the first big rain here, Nervilleas decided to pop up, but in
the little bit of dirt i didn't scrape from the bottom of the original pot when
I went digging for tubers to repot! I'll know to scrape the bottom of the barrel
in future. best wishes denise
9th Feb 2017 From Ian to Denise, Lydia & Cathryn
#Top Hello Denise, I will amend my memory! Its been awhile since I was on the back track, so Janice was probably someone else. I think David lived a few doors down from where the Mater is now.The Mater in on the property of the original homestead, Kurrajong.
That homestead has a long history, and it was once owned by the
Ferguson family, whose daughter Lorelle married my uncle Amical James Souvenir
Costello ( Smith). The homestead was moved to the heritage village. Lydia
probably knows more about the history.
Lorelles ashes (she died in a car crash) was supposed to be buried
under the kurrajong tree on Fanning Downs, dont know if that ever happened.
Its an interesting story how Amical got his name. My grandmothers brother James was lost in WW1 ( never found/recovered) and the first son of
her second marriage to Harry Smith got the name Amical James Souvenir which translates into "
Fond Memories of James". Ever after known as Mick.
The owls must be on holiday somewhere, nia at present. The curlews
have move over the near neighbours fence under some rubble ( theirs) and apparently have a nest. I dont have right of way issues with the big bird at
Next time you are in our area, call in and collect another Nervilia
species, they have proliferated very well this year.
Does anyone know where to contact Janice Stewart or Lyn Mazlin or any others? Regards to all, stay cool. Ian & Pat Walters
4.4.17 From Ian to Cathryn Hello Cathryn, there is an obituary in the local Bulletin for Dr Kevin King, born 1921. I think it is the same doctor I knew as a child, but then I only vaguely remember a much younger person. I wonder if Lydia or Denise knew him?
I can post it if of interest, or you can find it on the Townsville Bulletin web page.
Trust all is well with you. Have you started out on the round Aussie trip
yet? Regards Below my captured tree spirit, trapped in the drawer front of my desk. She
has smiled kindly on us here.
#Top From Cathryn 4.4.17
Dear Ian and Pat, thank you for your email, Ian, though with sad news of yet another death this year. My aunt died in western Victoria a couple of weeks ago so we did a rapid 1800km over three days to Hamilton to visit my uncle, who at 92, still does all the gardening on a 2 acre block, manages a big house crammed to the gunwales with possessions, drives around the countryside and goes to Rotary each week.Another friend, 96 a former Brain of Britain is in the final days of his
Dr King was our family GP, in fact I found a
receipt for a visit by the family in the 1950s in my parents' memorabilia. Dr
King went on to specialise in anaesthetics and when I did my operating theatre
stint during my nursing training, I saw Dr King almost daily.
One day, I, as a very nervous, under confident student, was doing a stint as a scout nurse. The sister in charge asked me to get a mop for Dr Morrissey, the obstetrician.
As I had been scout for another surgeon the day before, I had had to mop up pools of blood on the theatre floor, so with my limited experience behind me, I rushed out and returned with the floor mop.
There was much mirth in theatre as Dr King suggested I reach across the operating theatre table and wipe Dr Morrissey's perspiration drenched brow with the floor mop.
I then had to return with a face mop and Dr King was so amused, he left me with the anaesthetised patient while he went around to all the theatres to regale my embarrassing mistake.
However unlike some of the other doctors he was very
kind and a devout Christian. This episode was one of many for me as I was
incredibly naive and terrified of a lot of the senior nurses, who on reflection
were bullies and taught by fear and humiliation, something I vowed never to
emulate. The first time a doctor asked my opinion was in fact after about ten
years of nursing when I was doing my midwifery course- I looked behind me to see
to whom he was talking!!
I am very impressed with your tree spirit- shades of the
Turin Shroud.
We are working overtime to get ready for our trip. We leave on April 26 and have
visited Ken's cousin and his wife in Orange who live on a farm, and who are
travelling with us.
They have just taken possession of a new car and Caravan- a most impressive rig. Our outfit is smaller but manageable for both of us.
I have just sewn an annexe and we've done
repairs and modifications to the van in preparation for tropical temperatures as
here we now are into autumn with the leaves changing colour and dropping.
We are helping friends move house from Wollongong to Canberra
next week and are looking forward to visits by friends before we leave. I have
been up the ladder pruning all the hedges and pleached trees while Ken has been
mulching the cuttings and composting.
Will have the iPad and laptop with us enroute, so will look forward
to hearing any news from you. So pleased the cyclone missed you as I am sure
your owls and orchids are also. We have just changed our provider and while the
grapevine address will stay in situ for a year, our new email address is
5.4.17 From Ian Hello Cathryn, glad I did email about Dr King as I nearly did not, not knowing of your long association with him. My vague memories are of getting dengue fever at age 10 and Dr King making a house call. His photo should be on the Bulletin website, the newpaper photo is not good enough to scan.
Note 13 #Top 5.4.17 From Lydia Dear Kathryn This email has been a long time coming. It is so long ago since I have spoken to you or seen you.
However, I have never forgotten the happy times I spent at your place in Gulliver Street. Kathryn, every time I drive past your place I think of your Mum and for some reason my abiding memory of her is homemade ginger beer. I don't now why, but I remember her making it in the kitchen in Gulliver Street.
Your old house has been well cared for but some things have changed, like Benetto' s two-storied house on the corner of Gulliver Street is gone and replaced by business premises and Sammy Chew's store has been converted into an office. There are lots of other changes and if you call in on your round Australia tour there will be lots to see.
What has happened to the Hennessy family - Mum and Dad have passed on. Owen the brother next to me is married with two daughters and five grandchildren, Bill the youngest lives in Weipa and has a son and me - I did marry and divorced a number of years ago. I have no children.
My last 20 years of work I worked for the State Public Service in Regional and Economic Development. My eldest niece did her nursing degree and midwifery qualifications through James Cook University and at the moment works in the Neo Natal Intensive care Unit at the Townsville Hospital.
My Mum would have been proud of her - I was a bit of a disappointment as I would faint at the sight of blood.
I retired in January 2012 and devote my time volunteering at the Townsville Museum and Historical Society. I am the treasurer. Jack Gibbard instilled in me a love of history and the importance of retaining it. Some years ago I visited Alice Springs (and as I remembered Jack Gibbard told us a story of meeting Albert Namageera at Herminsberg Mission outside of AliceSprings.
On my trip to the Alice I took the opportunity to see the two gum trees Albert painted out on the Herminsberg Road and the original water colour in the Goth Gallery in the middle of Alice Springs. Jack Gibbard passed away a couple of years ago and his only daughter Dr Dorothy Gibson Wilde is a well respected historian.
In your travels - if you get the opportunity to visit the Kimberleys, please do so. I have been and the area leaves you with so many memories. I could go on for ever about this area - I will let you discover it for yourself.
Dr King Dr King was our local GP when we were little. When he first came to Townsville he practised as a GP. His rooms were in a building on Charters Towers Road backing on to Mindham Park. The building still stands today but is owned by Ann Morrell who teaches speech and drama. The very first doctor we went to there was a Dr Lowth, there was also a Dr O'Connor and Dr McLaughlin. Dr McLaughlin was a great friend of Sister Needham (she may have been at the TGH when you were there).
Remember Joe Grasso whose dad drove the buses - he lived on Ross River Road for a while nextdoor to Needhams - he became a chemist and now lectures at James Cook University. He is related to Josephine Leotta. Josephine is married and now lives in Ingham.
I see Kay Donald from time to time and have a catch up generally in the middle of one of the shopping centres. I also see Lyn Mazlin from time to time.
Mundinburra School
Everytime I go into the school exhibit at the Museum, I am constantly reminded of my school days - Jack Height's unsmiling face peers out from a 1946 photo and Mrs Caitlin sits in the middle of a large photo of a school choir. In another exhibit Ray Penprase (our famous music teacher from primary school days) peers down. So many people who come in to visit have a story to tell about Mr Penprase.
PS Please excuse my spelling of Albert N name - I know it is wrong. Take care Lydia
14 #Top
5.4.17 From
Cathryn Dear Lydia, it
is so lovely to hear from you, I think of you often and have often wondered
where you were.
I do remember our many days playing after school and in holidays. I remember
your mother and father well.
Your Mum, (Ruth), I seem to remember had been a nurse and your Dad (Bill) worked at Carfoots and was a member of the Buffulo Lodge (my father belonged to the Alma Mater Lodge). I remember your brothers well.
I do remember you had a white dress with ?
Grenadier Guards on it which I always admired.
Re: my mother's ginger beer- the ginger beer plant was fed
with a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of ginger powder daily while it bubbled
merrily until ready for bottling (we probably all added an extra spoonful at
times!). However bottling was always an exciting event and opening a bottle very
hazardous with the odd bottle exploding- one nearly blew off Johnny Stanley's
head one afternoon.
I do remember Joey Grasso and Josephine Leotta.
You mentioned Sister Needham and Dr Mc
Laughlin - they had a VERY close relationship as most of us observed during our
operating theatre stint. Dr Lowth went on to become a ophthalmologist who
practised in Townsville- I encountered him in Eye Ward at TGH then later in
Canberra when I worked for another Ophthalmologist in the late 1960s, (he was a
family friend of Dixie Von Wald, the mother in law of my nursing friend Karn,
who owned Gainsford Station north of Charters Towers. They came down to visit us
in Canberra in the 1970s and we all went to visit Dr Lowth and his wife.)
Kay Donald's cousin, Lyn, trained in my group at TGH. She lost her
first husband and new baby in the Darwin cyclone but went on later to marry
Georgio (G&L) Verzeletti and they live in West End. Townsville 07 47725552 (
lynnverzeletti(at) )
Mrs Caitlin was the organist at St Matthews
at Rising Sun for many years and she was very friendly with the Philips K'
family who lived in Harding Avenue- (they had two sons, David and Robert, both
of whom became Anglican Priests, and two daughters, Alison who married Darryl
Dunstan a pilot in the Air Force ( one of their children, Scott, died of cancer
a couple of years ago) and Joan who married a grazier out west).
You mentioned Ray Penprase- I do remember he drove an early
Holden sedan, pale lemon in colour and lived above the shops in West End just
over the Causeway. I think David Lowery was one of his star students, as David
was an excellent pianist and I remember him playing Rustles of Spring at an end
of year concert in Mrs Caitlin's class.
I think Mr Gibbard inspired us all- I have developed a
love of travelling and pursuing family histories from him. I think my love of
caravanning also stems from him- one sets off fancy free and it is no longer a
big deal if the house burns downs (one hopes not) when you leave home and turn
the corner onto the highway to adventure.
An update on the Brasnett family, I did my nursing training
at TGH married Ken, a navigator in the AirForce and moved house on an average of
18 months over 37 years interstate and overseas. I later did my midwifery
training at Nepean Hospital when on a posting. I always said I was the most
retiring woman, having to move on regularly from jobs in a variety of places
during those years. We have 2 children, Simon married with 3 children in Sydney
and Sarah who lives in Edinburgh, Scotland with her partner and baby.
Ken, on retiring aged 55, returned to
University and became a secondary school teacher mainly in distance education
with students all around the state and world. He taught maths, science and
accounting so this enabled us to travel to remote locations for over 10 years
while he taught maths on caravan park tables, conducted chemistry experiments in
farm gardens and accounting in Juvenile Detention Centres etc.
Richard, my next brother became a dentist and practised at
Barcaldine working for the state govt for many years until he met and married
the deputy matron, Maureen and they eventually moved to Brisbane and Toowoomba.
They have two children and both Rich and Maureen are now retired.
Trevor, studied Metallurgical Engineering at worked at the
Copper Refineries and Mt Isa Mines. After ten years he decided to travel
overseas and returned to train as a primary school teacher and worked at
Barcaldine, Millmerran and Drayton in Toowoomba until he retired. He and Rich
both live in Toowoomba.
Adrian, my youngest brother worked for the National Bank in
Queensland until he went to Western Australia for a holiday in his late teens
and immediately fell in love with the west and after working all over the state
with the bank married Caroline and they with their daughter live in Perth. He
later went on to University part time to get his degree in Business Management
and worked in the Tax Office until his retirement. He now has a garden and home
maintenance business.
He socialises regularly with Peter Hyde
whom you may remember also lived on Ross River Road near Gulliver Street, next
to the Selfs, I think. Peter's sister Wendy, lives in Toowoomba with her husband
who was exSAS and lost both his legs in a tragic train accident a few years ago.
As Ian may have mentioned we leave for the Kimberley in our
van with Ken's cousin and wife who hale from Orange . We loved the whole region when we visited about 3 years ago and vowed to return.
We were invigorated by the Horizontal Falls Day- aquaplanes, very fast boat, the
excitement of going through the falls, not once but three times, the flight to
Cape Levique and the four wheel bus drive through Beagle Bay back to Broome.
Purnalulu, Wyndham, Derby, the Ord River and Kunnanurra were highlights and this
time we are venturing along the Gibb River Road to El Questro and Home Valley
We loved Alice Springs and the west
MacDonald Ranges- every vista a breathtaking moment - totally unexpected despite
the media photos over the years which didn't do any of it justice- the majesty
of the gorges sights to behold.
You mention your volunteer work at the Museum, a very
interesting and absorbing pastime for you and very rewarding I imagine. We have
visited the Schaefer Museum at Grafton when we have researched Ken's paternal
great great grandparents' history. We found it very intriguing and have been in
awe of the dedication of the volunteers and researchers at the museum including
the farmer's wife who maintains a beautiful garden in and around the surrounding
Mr Highet, you mentioned with a stern countenance in a
1946 photo, though we were all terrified of he and Ted Norris, I later found
out that he had a disabled son and had served in the army during the war so
probably had a lot of personal issues which may have haunted him during his
Well Lydia, I hope we can keep in loose contact and hopefully
it won't be long before we catch up again- I am grey and a little larger than I
was when you last saw me, but our memories should overcome those age related
Take care and thank you for you email, it was so lovely to hear from you, best
wishes Cathryn.
Periodic reunions are planned and will be advised by email or phone. Please confirm receipt of invitation so that i know you have received one. #Top
Reunion November 2016. Seated Kay Donald, Denise Lube, Lydia Hennessy. Standing Glenda Gilmore, Ian Walters
Reunion May 2017 Seated Left to right, Denise Lube, Lydia Hennessy, Eileen Woodfield(Pimlico S.S.) Kay Donald Standing; Marelle MacDonald (Pimlico S.S.), Russell Bowie, Ian Walters.
REUNION OCTOBER 2017 Standing Ian Walters, Lydia Hennessy seated Glenda Gilmore and Kay Donald #Top
Reunion date 28th July 2019 for Pimlico SHS Students G 12 1963 and Mundingburra G3 1954.
Left to right Lydia Hennessy, Les Neilsen, Ed Brumby, Glenda Gilmore, John Graham, Ian Walters, Marelle MacDonald, Denise Lube, Lesley Spencer. Seated Eileen Woodfield
Below Pimlico State High School students, 1963, with Mundingburra students
Pimlico SHS
Pimlico State High School, senior year 1963. Missing Terry Annesley, Barry Voss. Fred West?
Back Row L to R ; Ian Walters, Russel Bowie, Stewart Allen, Phillip Brown, Graham Langsford, John Rolfe (dec), Edwin Brumby, David Blackhall.
2nd Back Row, Graham Wright (dec), Ilene Woodfield, Marelle MacDonald , Joselyn Bardon, Gillian Hamilton, Pam McClanahan, Denise Lube , Rhonda O’Neil, Ann Moore.
2nd front Row, David Lowrey (dec), John Oakhill, Bevan Irvine, Kerry Davis, Robert Fell (dec), Jack Ellis (dec), John Graham, Brian Malpas.
Front Row, Gary Palmer, Laurie Martin, Des Davies, Leslie Nielson, Elspeth Poultney (dec), Lesley Spencer, Glenda Gilmore, Pam Phillips (dec). Teacher; Trevor Honour #Top
Pimlico State High School Grade 5A 1962
Pimlico State High School Form 5A 1962 ( Grade 11)
Back Row. 1 Bevin Irvine 2 Des Davies 3.John Oakhill 4 Stewart Allen 5 John Graham 6 .Vernon Jensen 7 Peter McColl .8 Phillip Brown 9 Gary Palmer 10 Barry Voss 11 Donald Campbell
Centre Row. 1 Sheila Heywood 2 Laurie Martin 3 ..Dennis??....... 4 Ian Walters 5 David Blackhall 6 Graeme Langsford 7 ........??... 8 Brian Malpas 9 Robert Fell 10 John Rolfe 11 .Graham Smith? 12 Russell Bowie 13 Edwin Brumby
Front Row 1 Denise Lube 2 Marelle MacDonald 3 Pam McClanahan 4 Eileen Woodfield 5 Elspeth Poultney 6 Les Neilsen 7 Lesley Spencer 8 Jocyln Bardon 9 Pam Phillips? 10 Glenda Gilmore 11 Lyn Donald 12 Jillian Hamilton
Reunion May 2021 Pimlico
Standing L to R David Woodrow (teacher), Ben Bonomini (teacher), Bill Urquhart, Russell Bowie, Ed Brumby, Laurie Martin, Graeme Langsford, John Graham, David Blackhall.
Seated L to R Eileen Woodfield, Denise Lube, Marelle MacDonald, Lydia Hennessy, Ian Walters.
L to R Les Neilsen, Glenda Gilmore, Lesley Spencer. Top
Pimlico State High 1963 Operetta "Iolanthe"
Pimlico State High School 1963 Operetta “Iolanthe”
Back Row 1.....?.... 2....... 3........ 4.Russell Morgan 5......... 6 ........ 7........ 8....... 9...... 10....... 11....... 12.John Fell 13........
Second Back Row 1....... 2...... 3....... 4....... 5...... 6....... 7...... 8....... 9....... 10 Margaret Carvosso 11 Christine Paterson 12 Lesley Spencer 13 Denise Lube
Third Back Row 1........ 2........ 3........ 4........ 5.Diane Nan Price 6...... 7...... 8....... 9 June Millard? 10....... 11....... 12........ 13......14 JoeGrasso?
Second Front Row 1........ 2....... 3....... 4....... 5...... 6 Pamela Phillips (dec) 7 Jocelyn Bardon 8......... 9....... 10........ 11....... 12.......... 13 Carolyn Fell 14 Coral Matthews? 15........ 16....... Vi Catlin
Front Row1....... 2...... 3....... 4 Elspeth Poultney 5 Graham Caddies. 6 Susan Elliott (dec). 7....... 8....... 9 Edwin Brumby 10...... 11 Bill Bragg(dec) 12...... 13 Billy Allan
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